2nd AC chemo treatment

I was in at 8:00am and out by 1:30pm.  Had EMLA cream on but didn’t leave it on for long enough.  Note to self: 40 minutes is not enough time for EMLA to completely absorb.  Had to take the puncture like a pro.  Craved fettucini alfredo with grilled chicken after chemo.  I acted on this instinctive first-world craving because I knew I’d have no appetite for a long while after my treatment.  I was right.  I barely ate for three days after.  Gizmo (our cat) clung to my side each day, resting and purring on me.  I tried to get to work on Monday but just couldn’t get my act together.  I had the best intentions too, even visualizing myself driving in, working, typing, laughing, talking on the phone, driving home.  Nope.  My body wasn’t having it.  Tuesday I woke renewed (yes, I actually slept through the entire night too).  I was refreshed.  Stronger.

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After chemo, Gizmo crawled into my arms and stayed while I fell asleep.

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Day after chemo, Gizmo fell asleep on me.

Wednesday (yesterday) 20 days after my first chemo, my head was sensitive and my hair came out a lot easier.  All I had to do was touch my head and look down at the little hairs stuck to my fingertips.  Pete shaved my head last night.  Well, it wasn’t that easy.  I first tried doing it myself but the water ran into my eyes and made my mascara run.  I looked ridiculous.  Pete stood in the doorway watching and critiquing, before taking the razor and reins from me.

“You’re doing it wrong”.

What was the right way?  I was working off of that commercial from tv where the guy is about to be interviewed for a job, realizes all the bosses have been bald men and quickly goes into the bathroom and shaves off his hair before the interview, emerging shiny and new.  These were unrealistic time goals.  Shaving my head took forever.  One small swipe and the razor was full and needed to be rinsed out thoroughly – jammed with hair, shaving cream, and conditioner (we ran out of shaving cream).

“Don’t you have a new razor?”

“This is a new razor.  Pete, it’s one of those three pack disposables from Target.  I’m not opening a new razor.  I only have one left from the pack.”

“What are you saving it for?”

He had a point.  All the other hair on me was gone (less my eyebrow and eyelashes…but they’ll be gone in a few months).  My armpit hair came out on my deodorant days back.  What was I saving the last razor for?

“I just want to save it.”

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Patchy. Time to shave it off!

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Last picture with hair for the next long while.

Some more fuss and it was done.  I was bald.  I am bald.  It feels good.  Different.  Aerodynamicy and a final revisit of the topic of my hair.

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Patchy spots where the shaven hair isn’t dead yet.

2 thoughts on “2nd AC chemo treatment

    1. Haha! And bicycling or running! I’m glad I took my hair down a little at a time … couldn’t imagine losing it going from long to bald. That would be too traumatizing!


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